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Medical Information

Please do not send your child into school if they are feeling unwell. 


If your child requires medicine to be given during school hours you will need to complete the appropriate form. This is in accordance with the Surrey County Council's Young People's Health and Administration of Medicines, Children, School and Families Guidance @ www.surrreycc.gov.uk.

 There are 2 categories

  1. Short term e.g. paracetamol, antibiotics, creams - please click on the following link  Short Term Medical Form
  2. Long term e.g. epi pens, inhalers, etc.  - please click on the following link Long Term Medical Form   

These electronic forms will be submitted directly to the school office team.  Alternatively,  paper copy forms can be completed in the office.


All medicines must  handed into the school office by an adult. They must be in the original packaging. Prescription medication must have the pharmacist's label on showing the child's name, the dosage/instructions and expiry date.

Medicines that require to be with the children will then be handed to the appropriate member of staff and stored in a secure place.  Short term medicines will be kept in the medical cupboard or fridge, if required, and stored securely.  

All medicines will need to be collected by an adult once the course is finished.


Schools are able to hold a bottle of paracetamol on site to use if a child needs it for pain relief (for example if they get a headache, or any other type of mild to moderate pain).  Following a review of our Medical Policy regarding the dispensing of non-prescribed medicine to children, we now are required to have written as well as verbal consent to administer paracetamol in school. Staff will always telephone the parent before administering any paracetamol. Due to paracetamol masking a temperature.



If your child has an allergy please either use the form below or collect a paper copy from the office. Please then return to the school office who will be able to inform the relevant staff members.

 Allergy and Anaphylaxis Consent Form.docxDownload
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Reporting your child's absence

 We are pleased to announce that we have introduced a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence, called Studybugs.

 This is a safe way to report when your child is sick and off school.  With a few quick taps or clicks, you can record absence due to illness. We will receive the message direct to our register system even if you are reporting it at 6 am or 11 pm at night!  No more need to phone/email in or queue in the morning to report the absence.  

 Get the app or register now (https://studybugs.com/about/parents)

A link can be also found on the home page of our school website.

 Top 3 reasons to use Studybugs

  1. It is linked with our register system so we know right away who is present in school or absent.
  2. It is quick and easy to register and use and automatically reminds you to keep us posted if your child is off for longer than the one day.
  3. It will no longer be necessary to ring the office and leave a message if your child is absent. However, please report your child’s absence before the start of school day.



In order to prevent the spread of infection, the school follows the advice of the government's Health Protection Agency (HPA) in respect of the amount of time a child should be kept away from school after a period of illness.

Here is an extract from the HPA Guidance for the most common illnesses and infections:


  Infection or illness

 Recommended period to be kept away from school 

 Diarrhoea and/or vomiting          48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting
 Chickenpox  Until all the spots have formed a scab (usually 5 days after spots have appeared)

 Four days from the appearance of rash


 If your child has tested positive try to stay at home and avoid contact with other   people for 3 days


Click here to see the whole HPA document "Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings"