The Hythe Community Primary School offers a nurturing provision for children who experience bereavement, anxiety and any other life experiences that may affect their emotional well-being or mental health. These children are identified and supported by a fully trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who will offer regular 1:1 or small group nurture support. By putting all pupils at the heart of the school focus, we are able to support the child in their specific needs. Children are supported in the development of their emotional literacy by our ELSA, Miss Pullar. Along with Mrs McKee and Mr Carter, they will determine the length and number of sessions depending on individual needs. These may be 'drop in' or structured timetabled sessions. As a school, we continue to access outside help and support for pupils when required.
Our school ELSA is Miss Pullar - s.pullar@hythe.surrey.sch.uk
Here are some helpful websites:
Advice and strategies for parents: http://happylearners.info/parents/index.html
Information for parents about supporting emotional literacy: http://www.elsa-support.co.uk/category/parents/
NSPCC The UK children's charity: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/
Young minds: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/