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Welcome, here you will be able to find out more about the role of the governors and how our governing body contributes to school life.

Remit of the Governing Body 

The purpose of having a governing body is to:

  • Help the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement
  • Keep the pressure up on school improvement
  • Be a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice
  • Help the school respond to the needs of parents and the community
  • Make the school accountable to the public for what it does
  • Work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review
  • Exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the headteacher and staff

The governing body reconstituted in July 2015 and consists of 5 Co-opted governors, 1 Headteacher, 1 Local Authority Governor, 4 Parent Governors and 1 Staff Governor.  The governing body currently has no vacancies.

If you would like to contact the governors please write to them care of the school and mark the envelope for their attention.  Any letters received by the school addressed to the governors are treated as confidential and forwarded unopened to the Chair of Governors.  Alternatively please email chairofgovernors@hythe.surrey.sch.uk .  

The Governing Board of The Hythe Community Primary School has agreed that Full Governing Board meetings will be 'open'. Open meetings are meetings of the Full Governing Board to which members of the general public, including school staff and parents can request, in writing, to attend as observers. Please find details of the open meeting protocol and details on how to request to attend here. 


There is a lot of information about the work that school governors do and how to become one on the DirectGov website - please click here to learn more.

 The table below shows the current members of the governing body.

Governing Body Terms of Office & Attendance May 24