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Physical Education (PE)

at The Hythe School

At the Hythe, PE is a hugely important and integral part of the curriculum and wider school life. High-quality PE and Sport has a powerful impact on the all-round development of young people as it boosts achievement, builds essential communication and leadership skills, promotes diversity and inclusivity and teaches the importance of healthy, active lifestyles. At The Hythe, we believe that every child has a right to access high-quality physical education and school sport and our lessons are full of innovative and creative ways of teaching & learning. 

Our PE curriculum is designed and tailored to offer the broadest range of opportunities for all children, promoting physical literacy. Through our teaching programme, we aim to develop coordination, agility, balance, speed of movement, stamina, strength, creativity, imagination, leadership, teamwork and an understanding of strategy and tactics in team games. All children receive a minimum of two specific PE sessions every week.

Our PE curriculum is led by Mr Older/Miss Camp and taught by Mr Older (Sports Teacher) and the teaching staff of the school. Through creative, developmental use of the Primary Sports Premium Funding, we are working very hard to ensure the benefits of this funding have long-term sustainability. A major part of this is a carefully planned programme of staff CPD involving specific PE in-service training sessions for all staff, and joint teaching sessions with Mr Roots supporting class teachers in delivering lessons.

In PE we widen and deepen the essential knowledge, skills and understanding of learners in a variety of ways.

  • Children understand the importance of keeping themselves healthy and understand that a healthy lifestyle can help to develop self-esteem and live a positive lifestyle.
  • A range of activities, such as the Daily Mile, help children develop positive attitudes towards sport and fitness which enables them to share better habits with their families and friends.
  • During PE lessons, children are taught resilience and teamwork as they work together to develop their skills through self-challenge as well as team games.
  • Children understand the importance of sportsmanship as all children will have the opportunity to compete in team events against other schools and also inter-school events.
  • Children are inspired to try new sports and develop their self-belief as everyone is encouraged to try new skills.
  • Through the vast variety of after-school clubs, children get the opportunity to widen their skillset and to develop their ambition by becoming part of wider teams in the local community.
  • Children understand that sports aren’t just about an individual but learn to communicate effectively and work together with others.

We teach a full range of subjects in PE as required and set out by the government in the National Curriculum. These include gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor & adventurous activities, invasion games, striking and fielding skills/games, swimming and cross country.

Assessment in PE is given the same degree of attention as core subject areas with all children assessed on their attainment and progress every half term and targets set for next steps development. 

Please look at the various documents at the foot of this page for more information about PE & Sport at The Hythe.

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Ready Steady Roots PE Home Learning

During the Spring 2020 closure of schools due to the coronavirus pandemic, Mr Roots started up his own Physical Education Youtube Channel. Click the link below for the videos.

 PE policy.docx.pdfDownload
 Physical Education Action Plan 2021-2022.docxDownload
 Physical Education Progression of Skills 2021-22.docxDownload
 Physical Education Whole School Long Term Plan 2021-2022.docxDownload
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PE, Physical activity and sport in the community

We encourage our children to participate in physical activity and sport outside of school.  Below are some links to local clubs attended by our children and other local clubs children may be interested in attending:

https://pssportscoaching.com/  (football, multi-sports)

https://www.skillzonesoccer.co.uk/ (football)

https://www.pleiadesleisure.com/ (multi sports)

https://www.lynefc.co.uk/ (football)

https://www.manorcroftunitedjfc.co.uk/ (football)

https://www.abbeyrangers.co.uk/   (football)

https://www.afcbrooklands.co.uk/ (football)

http://www.weybournegymclub.com/   (gymnastics)

https://www.cardinalsnetball.com/   (netball)

https://www.corejudo.co.uk/   (judo)

http://www.runnymederockets.co.uk/  (bmx cycling)

https://chobhamrugby.co.uk/  (rugby)

http://www.wokingblackhawks.co.uk/  (basketball)

https://www.locker27.com/  (boxing, gym  & fitness)

https://www.chertseycc.org.uk/  (cricket)

https://www.foxhills.co.uk/golf  (golf)

http://www.thamesvalleyhockeyclub.com/  (hockey)

https://www.theriverbourneclub.co.uk/home/kids/dance/monarch_studios.aspx  (dance & gymnastics)

http://www.weybridgeequestriancentre.co.uk/  (horse riding)

https://www.gcsc.co.uk/  (swimming)

http://weybridgetennisacademy.com/  (tennis)

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Image result for surrey youth games 2020

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