Explore Our Site

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For a fun, caring and safe environment - KidZone is the place to go for your child care at the beginning and the end of the school day.

Interesting activities are provided every day, often around a seasonal or cultural theme. There is also outdoor play, group games, cooking and much, much more!  Before school the children have breakfast  and after school they are given a healthy snack.

To contact us at KidZone please email kidzone@hythe.surrey.sch.uk. To book a place at KidZone please complete our booking form below.

Opening Hours for KidZone

Breakfast Club from 7.30 am until school starts- cost £5.50 per child which covers childcare by qualified members of staff and includes breakfast. (Price from Sept 24 £6.00)

After School Club from 3.10 pm - 6 pm, the cost is £13.50 per child which includes childcare by qualified members of staff and a light tea. (Price from Sept 24 £14.00)

We offer a half session from 3.10pm until 4.10pm for only £5!  (this will not include tea). Ad hoc sessions available if we have free spaces on the day. (Price from Sept 24 £6.00 until 4.30pm including a fruit snack)

NB: any pick ups after this time will be charged for the full session rate of £13.50.

All sessions must be pre-booked to ensure that we do not exceed our maximum capacity in line with safeguarding requirements. 

Booking forms:  

Please click on this link for the KidZone booking form for September 2023.

Please click on this link for the KidZone booking form for September 2024.


For current attendees of Kidzone: Your sessions will automatically continue each month, until you give us notice.  If you need to make any changes including extra sessions, please email Kidzone@hythe.surrey.sch.uk



Your sessions will be entered onto the school online payment system www.scopay.com

parents are able to monitor their sessions on via the SCOPay app or at the web address www.scopay.com

  • You can view your sessions by clicking on the view calendar feature. 
  • You can also view your payment history by clicking on the history feature.

 Any adjustments/additional bookings will be added onto your account at the end of each week


Payment must be made by the 15th of each month as per the terms and conditions.  

We accept the following payment methods

  • payment by debit card at www.scopay.com
  • payment by childcare vouchers. We are registered for the government tax scheme.
  • payment by direct debit into our bank account - please ask the school office for details

Regrettably, we are unable to offer discounts for siblings.

 Kidzone Terms and Conditions January 2024 (1).pdfDownload
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